By bobjtoday on Sunday, June, 21st, 2015 in Social Today. No Comments

WorkX Lawnmower 001

Now that I am back to yard work. I decided to get a battery powered lawn mower. I chose the WORX 24 volt lawn mower. It really isn’t much bigger than a kids bubbling toy lawn mower. The design is pretty cool and does look like some kind of transformer. The mower is very light weight and easy to maneuver. I was able to mow the lawn on one charge and had plenty of power. The WORX folks should get a sense of humor and add a bubble making attachment. The mower makes a soft purring sound that is very relaxing. They may need to post a warning about  being lulled to sleep while using the mower. I also purchased the WORX Edger. Both products work great and easy to assemble. Bobj gives them his seal of approval! Both came direct from Amazon to my front door.












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